Katherine Qiyu Su

“My paintings never merely portray reality; rather, they embody my emotions and dreams.”Katherine Qiyu Su
Driven by a desire to examine the shadowy borderland between truth and recollection, Katherine Qiyu Su’s paintings depict the slipperiness of memories - how they lose their shape, how they can be manipulated. Her work never quite portrays reality; rather, it gives shape to emotions, dreams and intuitions, transforming them into something tangible. Shades of blue appear and reappear in her work, gesturing towards the imprint of a flock of birds or school of fish, but always defying solid representation.
In deconstructing specific elements, bodies, and movements, her work is marked by its fluidity - while at times the compositions resemble an intricate mesh of familiar shapes, they always slide out of grasp, somewhere between figuration and abstraction.

Katherine Qiyu Su (b.1999) lives and works in London. She completed an BA in Interior Design at the North China University of Technology (2021), and an MA in Painting at the Royal College of Art (2023). Her work has been exhibited by Thom Oosterhof Project, London (2023) and Plain Gallery, Milan (2023).
